The lifetime service plan of TiVo which keeps appearing from time to time is back. Earlier customers had two options. Either they could pay for service every month or pay a few hundred dollars for lifetime service.
Some time back the lifetime service option was cast away. When TiVO launched the Series3 HD recorder the lifetime service plan reappeared. Over the last one and a half years, ocassioanally, new and existing customers have been allowed to pay for lifetime service. It was always apparent that the offer was a one time promo.
Now it seems like the lifetime service plan is here to stay. Now the lifetime subscription pricing is part of the official payment plan descriptions. This means the lifetime service plan is a part of everyday pricing.
Now, as long as you keep the same set top box, you can pay $399 to get unlimited service. For existing customers, $299 will get you the same deal on a new box. However the catch is that if TiVo comes out with a new box in say, 2 years and you really want it, you might have to get a new plan.